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Pab's Pique
Pab's Pique is where our love affair with towelling began.
A piece entirely inspired by Arnold Newman's 1965 portraits of Pablo Picasso in his Cannes studio.
It's just one of those pieces - the single jet hip pocket and the open un-hemmed collar. It sits so perfectly in an environment of greatness, however amongst the master pieces it's the shirt that stands out so boldly to the like-minded.
We have run a small batch of these, made in London, in 2 colours.
Because it's an image, nearly seventy years later we are never going to know the true colour of the garment we have so coveted. So we've gone for two options;
Terracotta - darker of the two, with red undertones and true to the shirt if you look at the head shots of this image.
And Cannes - more of a burnt rust, and perhaps truer to the full length portrait, a lighter shade as if kissed by the Cannes sun of 1956.
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